
A master’s degree is a specialized degree and can take the form of coursework or research in your chosen subject area.

Preceded by 
a bachelors

Generally referred to as a 
graduate or postgraduate degree.

Duration 2 years
Depends on your chosen masters &
mode of study – part-time or full-time

What are the prerequisites?

Generally, you need to have an undergraduate degree, and you might need to have attained a particular academic standard or score to pursue your chosen masters. You might also need to be able to demonstrate mastery of English (e.g., viaan IELTS or TOEFL qualification). Evidence of prior learning or job-related experience might also be required for entry into some masters programs.

Possible requirements:

1. Undergraduate degree

2. Achieved a certain score

3. Mastery of English

4. Job-related experience

Why study a masters?

You might want to pursue a masters to develop specialist knowledge, research skills or to pursue a passion for a specific subject. Other common motivations are to enhance your professional qualifications, career prospects or perhaps to change career direction or gain access to a new career. A masters can help you to acquire relevant, transferable, academic, intellectual and professional skills. Additionally, you can typically expect a better student/staff ratio on masters programs, enabling more contact time with high-quality faculty and peers.

The financial considerations

Will a masters boost my earning potential?

Various studies have shown that masters graduates generally earn more than those without a masters qualification; however, a higher salary is rarely the best motivation for pursuing a masters.

Masters studies which are well matched to your experience, capabilities and career aspirations are more likely to result in a better salary. Mismatched study choices obviously do not yield the same outcome.

Moreover, studying a masters represents a lot of work, time studying, and expense. It’s a great option but is not for everyone, so be clear on your motivations upfront.

Can you afford to study a masters?

Many masters courses carry a hefty price tag.

In addition to the cost of tuition you also need to consider your living costs and the opportunity cost of study, including your foregone salary and possible promotions.

Scholarship options might be available to ease the financial burden.

As always, this is a very personal decision, so be clear on the total costs and opportunities before embarking on a masters.

Making the right choice

Should you study a masters?

  • Are you able to articulate your motivations for studying a master’s clearly and concisely?
  • Are you passionate about your subject?
  • Are you curious?
  • Are you motivated to contribute to the body of knowledge in your chosen discipline?
  • Are you chasing the qualification which best  meets your needs and goals?
  • Do you meet the entry requirements?
  • Can you afford it?

If you can answer yes to these questions, it could well be one of the best decisions you make.

Is a masters the right choice for you?

It is important to be clear on your motivations for wanting to study a masters. Choosing to do a masters because you are unclear of your future direction or because you are putting off a bigger decision or want to avoid work — a masters is a lot of sustained, hard work! — is rarely the best motivation to sustain you throughout such a demanding program.

Talking to masters students or faculty members can be a great tool to assist in your orientation and thought process.

What are some popular faculties?

Amongst the multitude of faculties, some popular ones include:










Education (and teaching)




Film & Television

Health (sciences)

Information technology (IT)









Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Popular business masters courses

There are many options but a Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a popular choice for people working in business and aspiring to senior leadership roles in a wide variety of organizations and is even a prerequisite for certain roles.

There are many types of MBAs and delivery modes offered – full-time, part-time and online – by a number of universities with varying price tags.

An MBA teaches you the fundamentals of business, strategy, leadership and the key financial and marketing concepts. Most importantly, a good MBA reinforces the importance of an adaptive mindset, necessary for today’s dynamic workplaces.

What about online MBAs?

An increasing number of universities now offer online MBAs

One of Adventus’ founding partners, Deakin University, a world-leading university based in Melbourne,Australia, has the #2 ranked online MBA in Australia.

Its online MBA is ranked #15 globally, according to the international university rankings published by QS Quacquarelli Symonds.

What about a more affordable, convenient path to an MBA?

Adventus’ partner organization, BSchool, offers a high quality, affordable, credible and convenient pathway for you to earn credits towards attaining your MBA.

– Complete 4 units to earn a Graduate Certificate

– Complete 8 units to earn a Graduate Diploma

With an automatic pathway to Deakin’s online MBA, the #2 ranked Australian online MBA.

Save up to 40% on the total costs of your online MBA.

Study in your own time without the hassle of travel time and benefit from a course designed specifically for the online delivery method. Benefit from problem-based learning, combining theory and evidence, and build a strong online community of fellow students and peers.

Will a masters help you land a great job?

Masters degrees are generally highly regarded by employers. A masters is even a prerequisite for some roles.

A relevant masters can help you to distinguish yourself in a highly competitive employment market and can boost your current role, help you to switch roles or land a management or academic role.

A relevant masters certainly can enhance your employability. The operative word is relevance.

What about studyinga masters abroad?

Masters degrees from Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are particularly well regarded internationally.

Studying a masters abroad affords you all the benefits of international experience, enhancing your perspective and world view, further differentiating yourself to prospective employers.

Did you know?
25 Australian universities are included in the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) rankings of the top 1000 universities in the world?

Is postgraduate study only suitable for academics?

Research-based degrees are generally required for academics who choose to dedicate their professional lives to furthering a body of research,but postgraduate research is also highly valued by many businesses and organizations. Think of major advances in science and technology, which generally originate in academic research.

What are study options beyond a masters?

A masters is the most common stepping stone towards academia and is generally a prerequisite to being able to undertake doctoral research and to obtain your Ph.D (doctors of philosophy).

In many instances, a teaching and research careeras an academic requires a Ph.D.

How Adventus can help you

6 easy steps to be accepted to global Universities